Month: July 2020
Recap #2: June/July 2020
Hello readers! I have come to the end of month 4 of blogging, and I am still loving it. Thanks… read more Recap #2: June/July 2020
How I Would Fix High School Reading Lists: Part 2
During school I found the books read in English infuriatingly dry and depressing. I’m OK reading sad literature every once… read more How I Would Fix High School Reading Lists: Part 2

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin
Title: The Hundred Thousand KingdomsAuthor: N. K. JemisinGenres: Fantasy, High Fantasy, RomancePages: 427Published: 2010Series: Inheritance TrilogyLinks: Amazon, Goodreads Summary After… read more The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin
How I Would Fix High School Reading Lists: Part 1
So, if you read my last Afternoon Tea discussion post, you may have recognized my hatred for many of the… read more How I Would Fix High School Reading Lists: Part 1

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
Title: The Poppy WarAuthor: R. F. KuangGenres: Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Grimdark FantasyPages: 544Series: The Poppy WarLinks: Amazon, Goodreads Summary Like… read more The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang