Fantasy Authors to Keep on My Reading Radar

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This past year, I’ve being getting more into standalone fantasy, which has allowed me to browse a lot more authors than usual. I’ve discovered multiple new favorites that I’ve added to my (mental) list of authors to keep an eye on! Every author has a particular style, and whenever I find one that I enjoy, I check out their website to find any other books that are in process or already out in the world. I love finding an author that speaks to one of my specific fictional cravings. Other times, authors surprise me, and I discover a new style or character that I never thought to imagine. This year, I was lucky enough to find multiple fantasy authors that made me want to read everything they’ve ever written.

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My Favorite Fantasy Authors of 2024

1. Ava Reid

Ava Reid specializes in dark fantasy/gothic horror with romantic subplots. Here writing is sensual, which draws you into her dark and gruesome stories. As someone who very much needs a silver lining in all of my dark stories, I appreciated the thread of hope Reid weaves through her writing. The core of her stories is about facing and healing from trauma, which feels very cathartic and strangely comforting, even in her most gory scenes. Reid recently published Lady Macbeth, a Shakespeare retelling from the perspective of Macbeth’s notoriously bloodthirsty wife, which I’m hoping to pick up soon.

2. T. Kingfisher

I’ve so far read Swordheart and Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher, and both were immersive and memorable. Kignfisher’s characters stand out to me as the most memorable part of her works. She creates very quirky, distinct characters that made me laugh. Swordheart was more adventurous fantasy romcom and Nettle & Bone more dark fantasy topped with comedy and romance. Both were united by their practical heroines and himbo, warrior love interests. T. Kignfisher definitely has a signature relationship dynamic, and I love her for that. My next conquest of Kingfisher’s work will be Paladin’s Grace, which promises murder-mystery and more himbo love interests.

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3. Anna Burke

I was initially disappointed by In the Roses of Pieria because I picked it up thinking it was a standalone only to realize it was the first of an (unfinished) series. However, I can’t say I regret delving into this sexy, academic vampire story. In the Roses of Pieria is a tense a story told from the perspective of an archivist uncovering an epic thousand year old romance between two mysterious and powerful women. Burke’s writing creates a darkly enchanting atmosphere, which perfectly complimented her lesbian Beauty & the Beast retelling, Thorn, which quickly became my favorite retelling of the old fairytale. I’m excited to continue to experience Burke’s writing when she publishes the sequel to In the Roses of Pieria!

4. Kimberly Lemming

I started listening to That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf during a very busy period when I struggled to focus on any of my hobbies. Kimberly Lemming’s Mead Mishaps series turned out to be exactly the kind of light reading I needed because before I knew it I’d finished the entire series. As the title suggests, That Time I got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf is part of a silly romcom series. I have yet to find another series that is as fun and full of laugh-out-loud comedy! Lemming is scheduled to publish the first of another series next year titled, I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I’m Trapped in a Rom-Com.

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Check out more of my discussion posts: Top 10 Female Authors on My TBR

What fantasy authors have piqued your interest this year?

Signature: Peyton

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Author: Peyton
Creator of Word Wilderness.

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