Harbinger (Dragonrider Legacy #2) by Nicole Conway
Title: HarbingerAuthor: Nicole ConwayGenres: YA fantasy, high fantasyYear of Publication: 2018Pages: 292Series: Dragonrider Legacy *Post contains spoilers for Savage (The… read more Harbinger (Dragonrider Legacy #2) by Nicole Conway
The Goblin Emperor: Read-Along Week #1
As a part of Wyrd and Wonder, I am also participating in The Goblin Emperor read-along hosted by Lisa. For… read more The Goblin Emperor: Read-Along Week #1

Savage (The Dragonrider Legacy #1) by Nicole Conway
Title: SavageAuthor: Nicole ConwayGenres: YA fantasy, high fantasyYear of Publication: 2017Pages: ~296Series: Dragonrider Legacy Summary Savage follows Reigh, a human… read more Savage (The Dragonrider Legacy #1) by Nicole Conway
Confounding Expectations: Books I Didn’t Expect to Love
This is my second post as a part of the Wyrd and Wonder celebration, and the prompt for today is… read more Confounding Expectations: Books I Didn’t Expect to Love
Wyrd and Wonder 2020: My TBR
This month I will be participating in the third annual fantasy celebration hosted by Wyrd and Wonder. I am so… read more Wyrd and Wonder 2020: My TBR

The Last Wish by Andrzej Shapkowski
Title: The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher Author: Andrzej Shapkowski Genre: High fantasy Year of Publication: 1993 Official Translation: 2007… read more The Last Wish by Andrzej Shapkowski

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Author: Franz KafkaGenres: Absurdist Fiction; Novella; Classic Year Published: 1915Link: Project Gutenberg Introduction Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is a novella… read more The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka