Hello readers! I have come to the end of month 4 of blogging, and I am still loving it. Thanks to everyone who has continued to support my blogging journey. It’s been a lot of work, but there is nothing better than learning about new books and getting to share my thoughts on them. I’ve done a lot of work on my blog in the past two months and can’t wait to share my activity.
Probably my biggest accomplishment in June was moving to my self-hosted site. I love getting to run my own site, but it’s a lot of work. So far I haven’t run into too many issues, which I am so thankful for! I also started a bookstagram account to share my love of books and photography. I’m still learning a lot about taking photos and editing, but it’s been so fun to try out different looks. I’ve settled on a nature theme for now, and I already have ideas for what I’ll move to once the seasons change.

Although working on my platforms has taken much of my time, I did manage to write a good amount of blog posts. I’ve settled into a biweekly schedule, which works well for me. Here’s a recap of my blogging activity during June and July:
10 Reasons Why All Children and Young Adults Should Have a Book Club
I started the month out with a discussion post on why I think book clubs are important when you’re growing up. A book club is the source of my favorite childhood memories and a major reason I have done well academically. This is one of my favorite posts I’ve written! I hope to write more posts like this in the future.
2/5 Stars to Prophase by M. Street
Prophase is a YA urban fantasy novel with great world-building. I didn’t love the story, but I enjoyed the intricate descriptions and colorful world that M. Street created.
5/5 stars to The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang
I absolutely loved this book. The Poppy War is a historical fiction AND fantasy novel, which are my two favorite genres. I feel like I was destined to find this series. I recommend this book for anyone interested in Chinese war history or fantasy novels with complex characters.
3/5 Stars to Isekai Omotenashi Gohan
This review is a guest post by Isabel on a graphic novel by Shinobumaru. The story is a quick read for anyone who likes romance and fantasy.
How I Would Fix High School Reading Lists: Part 1
I started a short series on high school reading lists to vent my frustration with having to read so many boring/depressing books in high school. In this first post, I focus on three ways I would make high school reading more interesting and relevant for students.
4/5 Stars to The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin

This was one of the more interesting books I’ve ever read. I loved the world-building in The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, especially because it had a great impact on the characters and the overall mystery within the story. I think anyone who likes fantasy should read this book.
How I Would Fix High School Reading Lists: Part 2
This was the second post in my short series on how I would fix high school reading lists. In this post, I discuss 8 books I think would be great books to read in high school.
Wrap Up and Plans for August
That’s all I have. I’ve loved my posts from the past two months, and I’m happy to see my writing improve. I hope to keep up with my biweekly schedule, but plans may change as we transition into the school year.
As usual, I do not have an official TBR, but I do plan on returning to some of my incomplete series in August. I’m most excited to start the sequel to The Poppy War, so I’ll definitely be reading that as soon as I get my hands on it. You can also expect more graphic novel reviews from Isabel!
My main focus for the next month is writing good reviews. I’ve had a lot of trouble writing informative reviews while also sounding excited. I am excited by books! I love reading! But writing reviews that sound excited? That’s another story. Hopefully I’ll get better at it!
May your days be full of magic and dragons,
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