This month I will be participating in the third annual fantasy celebration hosted by Wyrd and Wonder. I am so excited to join this year. Fantasy is my favorite genre, especially high fantasy. So yes… I will be spending much of my time this month in other worlds, but I’ll come back to post reviews! If you are interested in participating you can sign up on the Wyrd and Wonder page (link provided above) or follow @wyrdandwonder on twitter for updates. Other than that, who said you couldn’t read fantasy on your own? I will be reading as much as I can fit in, so buckle up, there’s a lot to cover.
Dragon Rider Legacy Trilogy by Nicole Conway

Savage is the first novel in the Dragon Rider Legacy trilogy and follows Reigh, a human raised by grey elves in the jungle of Luntharda. Reigh has always struggled to hide his mysterious, dark power, but it’s becoming harder to control. And now that the armies of the Tibran Empire threaten a peace held for 40 years, the world needs a hero.
I’ve been meaning to pick up these books, and what better reason than a fantasy celebration? OK, I’ll stop lying. I cheated and have already started Savage. I couldn’t help myself, but finishing in May is what counts right?
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

When his family is killed in an accident, a half-goblin is forced to take his place as the last living heir to the throne. Though unschooled in politics, this half-goblin emperor must fight to keep his throne…. and his life.
The Goblin Emperor was chosen by Lisa to be the Wyrd and Wonder read-along. This book seems unlike anything I’ve read, so I can’t wait to get started. Lisa has also posted a reading schedule and group discussion details which can be found here. If interested in participating this month, but not sure how I recommend starting here. I’ve heard great things about this book and think it will be fun to participate in discussions.
Prophase: A Present Tale (The Mitosis Series #1) by M. Street

Piper Walker lived a rather ordinary life with her brother and alcoholic father–that is until her life got turned upside down. Now she has strange powers and people have visible auras? Oh, boy. Prophase follows Piper as she discovers her destiny in a world of metallic light.
This one is actually set in the modern world. I do like high fantasy a lot, but sometimes it’s fun to see how authors incorporate magic into our own world.
Incendiary (Hollow Crown #1) by Zoraida Córdova

Renata is a much-feared Robari, able to steel the memories of others. At a young age, she was captured and used to implement the King’s wrath on her own people. Luckily, the rebel group known as the Whispers rescued her. She works against the King now, but can she escape her past?
Incendiary was actually just published this year. And look at that cover! I’m expecting some epic castle-burning now.
Suddenly Psychic (Glimmer Lake Trilogy #1) by Elizabeth Hunter

Suddenly Psychic follows three middle-aged women that awaken with strange new abilities after crashing into Glimmer Lake. They used to have ordinary lives, but now they must use their combined powers to solver a murder mystery.
I just had to add this book after reading Kimberly’s review on the Caffeinated Reviewer. I am a huge sucker for friendship-focused novels, and Suddenly Psychic fits the bill.
The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time Series #1) by Robert Jordan

The Eye of the World is just the beginning of the 14-books-long Wheel of Time Series, which has been called one of the greatest epic fantasy series. Fun fact: Brandon Sanderson, the renowned author of Mistborn, completed this series after Jordan passed away before finishing his last novel. I’m not going to include any synopsis because I’m too excited to spoil anything for myself. Hopefully, I make it this far in my reading journey so I can share my take on this novel!
Cries From the Lost Island by Kathleen O’Neal Gear

Hal Stevens is a high school outcast and a rising historical scholar. His two only friends are Roberto and Cleo. Cleo claims to be a reincarnation of Cleopatra and stalked by an Egyptian demon. No one believes her until Hal and Roberto find her murdered. In an effort to grant her last request, they go on a journey through Egypt to find the lost graves of Marc Antoney and Cleopatra.
Thankfully, this one is not the beginning of a series… If you haven’t already noticed, I’m going to have a lot of series obligations after this moth (bad pun intended).
Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett

OK, so obviously I will not be finishing a 41 (give or take?) book series in a month. I have read the Tiffany Aching books, which I highly recommend, and wanted to try some of the originals. Here I listed three of the books that feature Rincewind and the wizards. I will finish as many as I can, assuming I get this far, yikes. If you are interested in reading some of the Discworld series I recommend looking here for places to start.
Not that this is super relevant, but I love these Discworld book covers. They’re quirky and fun with so much going on. What’s your favorite book cover?
That marks the end of the list! Whew. Yes, this is a lot. I am overwhelmed too, and chances are I won’t finish! I just couldn’t resist putting all of them on the list… I’ll get through as many as I can in May and continue posting after. I plan on reading the books in this order, but we’ll see where this month takes me.
Thanks to everyone who read this far, and happy fantasy reading.
May your days be full of magic and dragons,
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