The Longest Year Ever: 2020 Wrap Up

Goodbye 2020, Wrap up post, Word Wilderness,

Hello Readers!
I haven’t been active for the past few months, but I thought I should still look back at my reading progress over the year.

So 2020 was shit. Excuse my language, but it’s objectively true. It’s crazy to think that less than 12 months ago I was living out of state and starting my second semester of college. Since then I’ve started a blog, transferred schools, had my last season of soccer canceled, started a new job, and spend months at home in quarantine. Wow. I was frustrated in September when I felt myself falling behind, but I needed to give myself a break. So much had happened and even before that I knew I was overwhelmed. Despite my 3 month hiatus, I’m really happy with everything I got done.

Reading Progress

After reaching my reading goal of 20 books in August I decided to set another goal of 40 books. I didn’t reach my second goal, but I think I’m ok with that. Overall I read 34/40 books. Of those…

  • 52% were by female authors
  • 35% were by authors of color
  • 12% had queer mc’s or a queer love interest (I didn’t count N.K. Jemisin’s The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, but an argument could be made for it)
  • 35% were by self-published/indie authors

I’m happy with how my reading stats turned out. Next year I want to focus on reading more books with queer mc’s and fantasy books set in non-European inspired worlds.

2020 Reading Wrap Up, Word Wilderness

Books I Didn’t Get to in 2020

  • Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
  • Cemetery Boys by Aidan Thomas (I started this book right as I fell into my reading slump 🙁 still working on it)
  • The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
  • The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang
  • The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin
  • Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

I definitely have other books that I didn’t get to, but these are the ones that irk me the most. Hopefully, I will get to them in 2021!

My Favorite Blog-Posts to Write

My Favorite Blog-Posts to Read


I’m so happy I decided to start my blog. It’s been a tough year, but this is one good thing that came out of it.

Have a great New Years!


Author: Peyton
Creator of Word Wilderness.

6 thoughts on “The Longest Year Ever: 2020 Wrap Up

  1. Hi, welcome back!!👋 Looking forward to seeing you on my feed again! I also took a bit of an (unintentional) hiatus and my blog is still mostly abandoned (but I’m trying to start a booktube? I don’t know what I’m doing.) Here’s to a better 2021!

    P.S. I’ve been putting off reading Harrow for a while because I know I’m going to be very confused, so if you’re interested in a buddy read at some point, just let me know.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, my hiatus was also unintentional. Couldn’t even bring myself to make an announcement because I was so overwhelmed. I’ve seen your booktube though! I hope it’s going well. I need to catch up on your recent videos and TBH I still don’t know what I’m doing with this blog so I feel you there.

      I am absolutely interested in a buddy read! Let me know when’s a good time for you to pick up the book.

  2. I also read a lot more female authors this year – I didn’t particularly plan that so it was a nice surprise and I also read a lot of new authors this year, which, again was a lovely surprise.
    Good luck with your reading in 2021 and Happy New Year.
    Lynn 😀

    1. Yeah, I didn’t start 2020 with any goals to read more diverse and female authors, so I was pretty happy when that happened for me. I guess it just happens naturally when You’re in the blogging world because other people make an effort for it and those are the recommendations we go by. And thank you! Happy New Year.

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