Month: May 2021
The Bone Shard Daughter Read-Along Week #3
Hello Readers,I’ve just finished chapters 24-35 of The Bone Shard Daughter and first of all: *SCREAMS*!!! If you haven’t picked… read more The Bone Shard Daughter Read-Along Week #3
Wyrd and Wonder Tag: Books That I Have Yet to Read
Hello Readers,Welcome to my shame post. Today I’m making a list of all the books I said I’d read, but… read more Wyrd and Wonder Tag: Books That I Have Yet to Read
The Bone Shard Daughter Read-Along Week #2
Hello Readers,I’m a bit behind on The Bone Shard Daughter read-along posts this week, but I’m loving the book so… read more The Bone Shard Daughter Read-Along Week #2

TV Review: Shadow and Bone Netflix Adaption
Dear Readers,Like many fantasy fans, I was thrilled when I found out about the Shadow and Bone Netflix adaption. I… read more TV Review: Shadow and Bone Netflix Adaption

Review: An Ember in the Ashes Series by Sabaa Tahir
Hello Readers,I’ve been meaning to write a review for An Ember in the Ashes ever since I reread it last… read more Review: An Ember in the Ashes Series by Sabaa Tahir
The Bone Shard Daughter Read-Along Week #1
Hello Readers!This month I’m participating in The Bone Shard Daughter read-along for Wyrd and Wonder. This week’s questions were written… read more The Bone Shard Daughter Read-Along Week #1
Wyrd and Wonder 2021: Mixed Feelings
Hello Readers,Today I’m participating in the Wyrd and Wonder challenge prompt, “Mixed Feelings”. I thought today’s prompt was a perfect… read more Wyrd and Wonder 2021: Mixed Feelings
Wyrd and Wonder 2021: We’re Going on an Adventure
Hello Readers,Welcome to the first day of Wyrd and Wonder 2021! This is my second year participating in the month-long… read more Wyrd and Wonder 2021: We’re Going on an Adventure